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Swimming Pool Water and Aquatics Disinfection

Pool maintenance to sustain high-quality water in commercial & competitive swimming pools

Proper disinfection systems for bathers is one of the most important responsibilities of safeguarding aquatic installations. A properly disinfected pool is one that has algae and other organisms under control and the chance of infection transmission is minimal.


What is the typical process for disinfecting a pool, spa or aquatics facility?

The disinfection process of swimming pools and spas is impacted by a variety of factors. These include the pH balance of the water, its temperature, environmental wastes and user contamination. There is a balancing act between the level of contaminants and waste in the water and the amount of disinfection that should be used. The more contamination in the water, the more disinfectant you’ll need. 

The most common chemicals used in swimming pool disinfection are bromine and chlorine. These chemicals react with and kill inactive microorganisms and oxidize other contaminants in the water. Oxidation is essential to maintaining a sanitary swimming environment to help reduce the number of pathogens brought into the water by bathers and the environment.

UV technology can be used to complement the use of chlorine for disinfection in two ways:

  1. Inactivate chlorine tolerant pathogens like cryptosporidium and reduce the risk of infection to bathers.
  2. Destroy chlorine disinfection byproducts (chloramines) which are harmful to bathers. Chloramines are the compounds responsible for the unpleasant smell in pool environments.

UV disinfection improves air quality, can reduce chemical usage and eliminate the need for shock treatments. As a result, there is less corrosion of surfaces and pool equipment and a reduced threat of pool closures. 



What solutions does Evoqua offer to disinfect your pool?

Evoqua offers a range of disinfection solutions to keep your pool safe and provide your guests with a pleasant aquatics experience. 


Ultraviolet Disinfection Systems 

Ultraviolet disinfection is an environmentally friendly disinfection solution commonly used in commercial, industrial and municipal water applications. In recreational water venues, UV systems are used to accomplish disinfection and chloramine reduction. UV light inactivates microorganisms such as chlorine resistant cryptosporidium and other pathogens without the use of chemicals. UV also breaks down unpleasant and harmful disinfection byproducts like chloramines that form when chlorine is added to water. Evoqua offers a broad range of low and medium pressure UV systems for both commercial and residential aquatics applications. 


Chemical controllers measure and maintain control of key parameters including free chlorine, total chlorine, ORP, pH and conductivity. We offer a board range of controllers that measure and communicate to ensure your aquatics application is protected against viruses, bacteria and oocysts of cryptosporidium. 

" I have been running an ATG UV system in my facility for over 18 months now, and I cannot begin to tell you how easy it has made things from a chemical balance issue. "


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